About me

A picture of me.
Thats Me!

My name is David, I am a freelance web developer, technology fixer, and problem solver. I have been working with software and web development for years; whether writing code directly or repairing broken operating systems. Web development offers a place for both critical thinking and artistic expression; something that I very much enjoy. My family is also rooted in web and software development with my father being a database administrator for 30 years and a web developer for 15 years. My mother has designed and maintained websites for several small businesses for many years as well. Together, we operate EverydayWebDesign.com

I live in the mountains in Georgia, USA; here I am surrounded by trees and nature, it's peaceful and an excellent environment to work remotely. I enjoy spending time with my family and my dog, Alex. When I am not writing code you might find me building something, playing guitar, listening to metal, watching something funny, or cooking a nutritious meal.

I am always working to improve my understanding of technology and the world around us as both change so quickly these days. My current strengths are the core web languages (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript), the Bootstrap framework, and the LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, PHP, and MySQL).

DCS 2022 - 2025

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